Governor Information

Meet the Governing Board!

The Governing Board of Whitgreave Primary School plays an integral part in the life of Whitgreave. The Governing Board give up their time to support all aspects of school life at both Whitgreave.

The Governors attend regular meetings with the Head Teacher and other members of the Leadership Team, to monitor, evaluate and challenge the school, on an on-going basis. They also support other events within school, such as the Christmas Fayre, Parent Consultation Evenings and School Performances.

Each Governor is also part of a Link Governor Team, who further supports improvements in teaching and learning, with a focus on a particular area, such as the Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, amongst other key areas.


Governing Board Members – Voting

Jayne Pownall – Chair of Governors (Co-opted Governor)

Rachael Kilmister – Vice Chair of Governors (Co-opted Governor)


Lisa Wright – Parent Governor

Marie Turkington – Parent Governor

Vacancy – Parent Governor


Brenda Hawkins – LA Governor


Ross Edwards – Staff Governor

Sarah Redfern – Head Teacher Governor


Dominic Russell – Co-opted Governor

Kate Davies – Co-opted Governor

Scott Smith – Co-opted Governor

Melanie Parkar – Co-opted Governor

Jane Cattell – Co-opted Governor


Associate Members – Non-Voting


Nichola Parker – DHT – Associate Member

Phillipa Hyett – DHT – Associate Member

Alex Albutt – AHT – Associate Member

Lily Davis – AHT – Associate Member

Jody Dingley – AHT – Associate Member

Hannah Thornbery – AHT – Associate Member

Jen Millington – SBM – Associate Member


Join our Team!


If you are interested in joining the Governing Board, then please contact the School Office, for further information. Or, please speak to a member of our Governing Board. Thank you.


Governor Bios!

Jayne Pownall

I am proud to be a Governor at Whitgreave.  I am also Link Governor.  My interest in education started when I had my children who are now adults, I was a Governor at their Primary School.  I have worked in Governor Support for 10 years.  I am pleased to say I was on the appointment panel that appointed the current Headteacher.

Brenda Hawkins

I have been a Governor at Whitgreave now for a number of years. I have a great commitment to the children and love the community of Low Hill having worked in the area for over 21 years. I am part of the Achievement Committee and serve on both Finance and Achievement Committees. I enjoy visiting the school – talking and listening to children both in the classroom and around school. I regularly meet with staff to keep updated on school developments as we all strive to deliver outstanding teaching and learning.

Sarah Redfern

I am very proud to be the Headteacher Governor at the Whitgreave Primary School. Whitgreave is an exciting, vibrant place to be, where all pupils are challenged to achieve. I have been a School Governor now for a number of years at various schools. However, this is my first post as Headteacher Governor. Whitgreave has an experienced Governing Board, who work in close partnership with all other stakeholders, in order to provide the very best education for our fantastic pupils.

Kate Davies

I have worked at Whitgreave for a number of years; I love the community and staff that I work with! As the RE Leader, I am linked to our SDP aim to further develop and embed the skills of teaching staff to deliver outstanding teaching and learning in RE. I am also part of the Behaviour and Safety Governor Committee, who are responsible for whole-school behaviour systems, including lunchtime behaviour.

Scott Smith

I have served as a School Governor and a Vice Chair for a number of years at a previous school. I am very excited to now be part of the Governing Board at Whitgreave Primary School. The school is a very busy, yet exciting place to learn and as Governors, we strive to ensure that through working with school staff, we give our children the very best education possible.

Melanie Parkar

I have worked at Whitgreave Primary School for almost 10 years in a number of roles. Currently, I am a HLTA and the school’s Learning Mentor, as well as being part of the Link Governor Team. I am very proud to be part of Team Whitgreave because I get to see first-hand how hard the staff work for our children. Whitgreave holds a special place in my heart having been a past pupil, then sending my own children here and finally becoming a member of staff. I live within the local area and I strongly believe that our children deserve the very best! I am very interested in continuous improvement and this is why I have chosen to be a Governor.

Rachael Kilmister

As a serving Head Teacher, also within a Wolverhampton school, I enjoy being part of the Governing Board at Whitgreave Primary School. I think that it is very important that the Governing Board support and challenge the School Leadership, in order to ensure that the children receive the very best education. School improvement is at the very heart of driving the school forward and I feel that it is part of my job to ensure that this happens.

Dominic Russell

As a special visitor, I have worked in Whitgreave Primary School now for a number of years, delivering enrichment activities to all Year Groups. I started by delivering History Workshops, however, my role has now emerged into much more. I have always felt a strong connection to the school and I have always commented upon the excellent relationships between the staff and the children and also, the excellent behaviour for learning. I feel that it is such a fantastic place to be, which is why I applied to become a School Governor.

Jayne Cattell

Hi everyone! As an experienced Deputy Head/Senior Leader within a local Multi-Academy Trust, I am very proud to be a Governor at Whitgreave Primary School. I feel that I have a range of skills and experience that I can bring to the post and that I can do my best to help and support the school. Whitgreave is a great place to be and offers lots of opportunities to the pupils, I am proud to be part of the team!

Ross Edwards

I have been working within the Whitgreave Family now for a number of years. I worked at the Infants School, before the school merged to become a Primary. The journey has been amazing! I am now a member of the Governing Board and feel that I am able to celebrate our successes, whilst also providing a level of challenge, where necessary.



Newsletter Issue 6

Newsletter Issue 7

Newsletter Issue 8

Newsletter Issue 9

Newsletter Issue 10

Newsletter Issue 11

Newsletter Issue 12

Newsletter Issue 13

Newsletter Issue 14

Newsletter Issue 15

Newsletter Issue 16

More information

Attendance at Governor Meetings – 2023 – 2024

Constitution of Whitgreave Primary School

Declarations of Interest